Home Lifestyle 6 things one should never tolerate in any relationship-they are a warning...

6 things one should never tolerate in any relationship-they are a warning sign!


Relationships are fun, they fulfill us, keep us happy and entertained. But sometimes, they’ve got their twists, turns and lows. There are some serious RED FLAGS we should be on a look out for in a relationship.

Be careful and vigilant, watch out for the patterns below.

  1. LACK OF COMMUNICATION- In any relationship, honesty and openness are needed. If there is no communication, a distance creeps up and often we are left alone to deal with our feelings. A silent treatment often shows moodiness and resentment. Addressing the lack of a two-way communication is vital.
  2. TRUST ISSUES- A lack of trust can simply break a relationship. Where there is no trust, one is always questioning the other and misunderstandings creep up. This glue of ‘trust’ binds people together.
  3. DISRESPECT- Gandhiji once aptly said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” This quote clearly states do not let anyone treat you poorly. Give respect and ensure others treat you likewise with dignity.
  4. CRITICISM OF YOU- Constant criticism lowers self-esteem and makes one feel unloved and uncared for. If your partner/ friend constantly criticizes you, one sometimes feels ‘Am I really good enough’, and these thoughts play havoc on our mind.
  5. FINANCIAL CONTROL- If one partner keeps all the control in his hand, this is a big NO. there should be a balance.
  6. EMOTIONAL NEGLECT- When your emotional needs are constantly ignored and you don’t feel cared for, loneliness creeps in. No matter how much time you spend together, yet that emotional connect is imperative.


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