Home Lifestyle An expert nutritionist tackles weight-loss misconceptions on everything from diet foods to...

An expert nutritionist tackles weight-loss misconceptions on everything from diet foods to calorie consumption


What you have acquired over the years owing to an unhealthy lifestyle will take time to shed’

The majority of individuals believe that weight reduction is a linear process that occurs in the same way for everyone. However, this is not the case. A person’s weight reduction will vary based on their lifestyle, their level of effort, and many other things. As with weight loss myths, people tend to believe specific ones.

In an Instagram post, dietitian Manisha debunked a few weight-loss misconceptions that individuals should avoid.

Calorie is a unit of measurement for the amount of energy contained in food. Energy is the same in all calories. ” This does not, however, imply that all calorie sources have the same effect on your weight as other sources of calorie energy. Because various meals go via distinct metabolic pathways, their impact on appetite and hormones that govern your body weight might be dramatically different. A single cup of ice cream, for example, is equivalent in calories to a three-course dinner… We all know which one is better for us, don’t we?

  1. There’s no such thing as a linear weight loss procedure.

The process of losing weight isn’t always a straight line, as some individuals believe it to be. This happens for a variety of reasons such as muscular gains and weight loss on           certain days or weeks.

  1. A person who is overweight is unwell, while someone who is lean is healthy.

    In addition to type 2 diabetes, obesity is associated to a number of chronic illnesses. But many obese individuals have a healthy metabolism whereas many thin people do not, because even slim people can have high fat percentages and poor muscle mass, rendering them susceptible to lifestyle diseases.
  2. With the right diet foods, it’s possible to reduce weight.

Products promoted as diet foods are often disguised junk foods, as they’re highly processed and may include hidden components. Your body needs nothing more than                 improved health markers and a sustainable lifestyle if you want to reduce weight.


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