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“It Is a Film That Deserves the Biggest Screens,” the makers of Vikrant Rona said, refusing a $100 million OTT deal


The directors of Kannada actor Kichcha Sudeepa’s ‘Vikrant Rona’ have opted to show the film in theatres after reportedly rejecting a Rs 100 crore offer for an OTT distribution.

Because of the Omicron concern, which has made theatre screenings a dangerous financial prospect, many filmmakers are opting for OTT distribution instead.

One of the most anticipated films in the country is ‘Vikrant Rona,’ a pan-world 3D picture. ‘Vikrant Rona’ has been making all the moves, from its title premiere on the Burj Khalifa in Dubai to bringing on Jacqueline Fernandez and even announcing a release in over 50 countries.

According to insiders, the team recently hosted a private screening for one of the most well-known OTT companies. The film’s aesthetics are touted to be on par with Hollywood standards, with a genre that has never been explored in the Indian cinema industry before.

Sources said the OTT major has offered up to Rs 100 crore for a direct release of ‘Vikrant Rona’ on their platform, hailing Kichcha Sudeepa’s performance as one of the greatest in this decade. The film’s creators, though, appears to have declined the offer.

“Yes, the offer was made,” producer Jack Manjunath remarked, “but ‘Vikrant Rona’ is a large screen experience.” On the large screen, the images that I have personally seen are something that families and children will love. Audiences will be left wanting more after experiencing the 3D experience. It’s a picture that deserves to be seen on the country’s biggest screens just for the cinematic experience it will provide.”

“It is a terrific offer, delighted that the picture is getting the type of acclaim it deserves,” director Anup Bhandari said of the offer. The 3D version of the picture has turned out well, and it is an unforgettable experience for fans to enjoy on the big screen. Any filmmaker wants the audience to appreciate the picture in the way that it was intended, and the team shares that sentiment.”

‘Vikrant Rona,’ starring Kichcha Sudeepa, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nirup Bhandari, and Neetha Ashok, is produced by Jack Manjunath under his Shalini Artss banner, co-produced by Alankar Pandian, and directed by Anup Bhandari for Zee studios.

On February 24, it will be released in theatres all around the world.


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