Home Viral Viral! In this amusing video, a gorilla falls down while riding his...

Viral! In this amusing video, a gorilla falls down while riding his bicycle


The internet has already gone crazy over the amusing animal footage. On Twitter, it has received over 83,000 views and several comments.

Animal films that circulate on social media are frequently entertaining and adorable. Some of them are also rather amusing. IFS officer Samrat Gowda recently published a humorous animal video on his Twitter account, which has caused a laughing riot among netizens.

The video shows a happy gorilla riding a bicycle as though it’s nothing out of the ordinary for him. He seemed to be having a good time on his bike until he humorously collapses. The monkey may appear to be an expert at biking in the first few seconds of the video, but his comedic fall is plenty to keep you entertained.

Another gorilla has been sighted lounging in the sun alongside the gorilla who is riding a bike. It’s noteworthy to note that the gorilla throws the bicycle away with significant power shortly after he falls. The gorilla seemed to have been enraged.

This video has already gone popular on Twitter, with many laughing out loud at the gorilla’s cycling antics. The animal video has received over 83,000 views and a large number of comments.

A Twitter user was inspired by the gorilla’s riding efforts and wanted to give him with excellent bicycle infrastructure. “Let us equip him with better bicycle infrastructure so that he may feel joyful and enjoy cycling,” he said.

“Be careful when you’re trying to impress someone,” said another.

“He’s be like…Stupid cycle, how dare you make me fall…I don’t want you anymore,” another said.


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