Home Bollywood “The Signature,” Anupam Kher announces the title of his 525th movie after...

“The Signature,” Anupam Kher announces the title of his 525th movie after fans’ poll

The Signature

Actor- author Anupam Kher seems to have dedicated his year to coming up with back-to-back amazing movies. After completing the shoot of his upcoming film Uunchai, the actor jumped to another project. The actor is in Lucknow these days and is shooting for his next project which is directed by Gajendra Ahire.

A few days ago, our versatile actor began his 525th landmark project and asked fans to suggest the movie’ s title and now it seems the actor finally has one.

Anupam Kher writes on twitter, “THE SIGNATURE!!!YES!! The name of my 525th movie is finalized. We got your more than 100,000 responses! The movie is directed by brilliant#Gajendra Ahire and produced by legendary KC Bokadia ji. Thank you for helping us decide the title of our film! Jai Ho!”

Anupam Kher has also made his mark in Hollywood movies like ‘Bend it like Beckham’, ‘Bride and Prejudice,’ ‘The Big Sick’ and Silver Linings Playback.’

He is no doubt one of the most established names in the entertainment industry. He started his career as early as 1982 and this 55 year old actor-director, has held the post of chairman of Central Board of Film Certification and National School of Drama. He also has a production house which has produced over three movies and some television shows. The great actor also dubbed his voice for movies like ‘UP.’ He won the Padma Shri in 2004 and the Padma Bhusan in 2016 for his contribution to arts. He has also won two National Film Awards and eight Filmfares.

The Signature is a beautiful story of a common man.


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