Home Lifestyle Hemp has incredible health advantages for women, and the best methods to...

Hemp has incredible health advantages for women, and the best methods to ingest it


Hemp, also known as bhang, has been used in Ayurveda for centuries to treat IBS, muscular pain, sleeplessness, arthritis, and anxiety, among other ailments. It was discovered in the Himalayas and is included in the Vedas as one of the five holy plants. Despite the fact that it belongs to the same family as marijuana, research show that it does not produce intoxication. Hemp is a fantastic plant-based protein source, and its seeds contain all nine necessary amino acids. Iron, vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, magnesium, manganese, vitamins, and zinc are also abundant. Hemp also provides several health advantages for women, including the ability to regulate mood changes associated with menarche or the start of puberty, menstrual cramps, and stress relief, among other things.

“As a woman grows older, she encounters a variety of changes in her body that are unfamiliar and painful for her to adjust to. Menarche – the start of puberty – is connected with mood swings, the first occurrence of stomach pains, and sleep disturbances. Giving her other options might disrupt her menstrual cycle, but hemp has been proved to provide relief from these problems with no negative side effects.

Hemp or bhang, according to Ayurveda, is kaphahari (balanced mucus production, relieves sinusitis, balanced weight gain due to increased kapha), karshini (causes leanness), tikta (bitter in taste), grahini (absorbent, useful in diarrhoea, IBS), pachani (digestive, relieves ama dosha), laghu ( vak -vahini vardhini (improves ability to talk freely, relieves anxiety and shyness), kamda (improves libido), ruchya (improves taste perception, relieves indigestion), midrakara (improves capacity to speak freely, relieves nervousness and shyness) (induces sleep, enhances sleep quality)

However, according to Ayurveda, bhang or hemp should only be utilised once the purifying techniques have been completed. These traditional methods have been scientifically confirmed to be capable of removing the plant’s psychoactive properties.

Hemp can help women suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which causes severe physical and mental symptoms, find relief. Hemp can aid with PMS symptoms such as mood swings, cramping, rashes, and acne.

Hemp can aid in the correction of hormonal imbalances as well as the prevention of physical and psychological changes that result from them.

Hemp not only aids in a healthy pregnancy, but it also helps to avoid emotional difficulties such as postpartum depression.


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