Home Celebs Hollywood A brief from Napoleon Hill’s wisdom for life.

A brief from Napoleon Hill’s wisdom for life.


Napoleon Hill, is a prominent name for self-care and his quote, “It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project”, is profound.

His philosophy is deep-rooted and insightful. Half our years we spend believing that the external factors are responsible for shaping our future. However, as our hair grey, we begin to realize that it is only our actions and decisions that impact our life.

Napoleon Hill stresses the importance of self-awareness and proactive engagement in life. While the external factors are important, if you want a fulfilling life, one has to make wise choices and our efforts reflect our life course.

Instead of breaking down and losing heart, learn from your mistakes. See them as opportunities to grow and learn. Success comes from perseverance and positivity. We are living in a world, where everyone else’s lives seem so glamorous and happening.

It’s time we stop comparing, the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. Take action and be in control of your own destiny. Success and failure are like two sides of a coin, one cannot exist without the other. Be self-reliant, take charge and have conviction for whatever endeavors you take, everything will work out.

Just do it yourself!


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