Home Viral A cow mauls and pushes a man bullying a dog to the...

A cow mauls and pushes a man bullying a dog to the ground, which netizens refer to as “instant karma.”


Susanta Nanda, an Indian Forest Service officer, posted the video to Twitter on Sunday with the phrase “Karma.” Netizens have given it over 1.29 lakh views and comments. Susanta Nanda, an Indian Forest Service officer, recently revealed horrific film of a man torturing a pet dog. The first few minutes of the video are difficult to watch since it shows the man lifting the dog by its neck while it howled and whimpered in pain. However, the video takes an unexpected turn in the end.

Animal abuse of any form, no matter how little, is abhorrent and should never be permitted. As a result, intervening in a scenario when an animal is being tortured, beaten, or simply harassed for amusement is critical.

Unfortunately, human involvement isn’t always possible. Nature, on the other hand, has a way of sending the most unlikely defenders.

Susanta Nanda, an Indian Forest Service officer, recently revealed horrific film of a man torturing a pet dog. The first few minutes of the video are difficult to watch since it shows the man lifting the dog by its neck while it howled and whimpered in pain. However, the video takes an unexpected turn in the end.

A cow barged into the scene and pushed the dog away as the man dressed in a checkered shirt and pants continued to taunt the dog. It then slammed into the victim with all of its might.

Before the film finishes, the cow assaulted the man and pulled him to the ground for a few seconds.

Many people chastised the man in the video, as well as the individual who recorded the entire episode without assisting the dog.

As one user put it, “While the humans were busy recording, one of the animals recognized the other and offered assistance. As a species, we have come a long way.” “Sir, cow attacking the man abusing the helpless dog proves that even cows cannot accept terrible humans and believe in providing immediate justice & hence for their utility & compassionate nature they deserve our appreciation,” said another.

“Despite the fact that she is in agony, she is not harming him. We people lack the kindness that animals demonstrate. What are our options for bringing about change? “Remarked a third use.


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