Home Lifestyle Bringing up the past in order to improve the present

Bringing up the past in order to improve the present


Going deep into your history, perhaps back into the womb or into a previous life, may be able to assist you remove blockages that are obstructing your current well-being.

‘Live in the present; don’t dwell on the past,’ and ‘The past is past,’ aren’t we all used to hearing? Forget about it. All that matters is the now.’ Friends, family well-wishers, and counsellors all encourage those who are troubled by something that happened in the past to do just that. However, in medical research, particularly psychiatry and psychology, the past plays a crucial influence in an individual’s current bearing. This history is usually restricted to childhood and infancy.

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) or Regression Hypnotherapy is gaining steam as a means of resolving mental health concerns as awareness of mental wellness grows throughout the pandemic.

Many mental health difficulties that people have may have their roots in traumatic experiences from their past/early lives, according to PLR therapists. Typically, such memories and events are buried in the subconscious mind. PLRT is a method based on the Theory of Reincarnation and the Law of Karma in which the therapist uses hypnosis to recall memories and traumas from the distant past and address negative issues (bad memories) in order to alleviate energy blockages inside the body.

“Individuals’s attitudes about mental health have changed as a result of the epidemic, and more people are attending PLRT sessions these days.” “Online counselling allows patients to reach out to us from anywhere in the country,” Jayin explains.

The method comes with its own set of difficulties. “Under hypnosis, current life experiences surface, and the facilitator must fine-tune the questions and remarks that encourage the client’s mind to focus on the central issue.” “The client’s mind may generate pictures that are irrelevant or nonsensical during the process, but it may still be utilized to take the client further,” she explains.


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