Home BTS World British films BTS’ “Friends,” sung by Jimin and V, has been...

British films BTS’ “Friends,” sung by Jimin and V, has been confirmed as part of the OST for Marvel’s “Eternals.”


The OST for Marvel Studios’ next film “Eternals” will feature BTS!

The Direct, an American news organisation, claimed on October 18 that BTS’s “Friends,” sung by Jimin and V, will be featured in the “Eternals” OST. The Walt Disney Company Korea announced the next day that “Friends” from BTS’s fourth studio album “Map of the Soul: 7” will be used in the movie.

“Friends” was released as a B-side single on BTS’s “Map of the Soul: 7” in February 2020. Jimin wrote, recorded, and produced the song, which tells the narrative of same-aged friends and musicians V and Jimin. The song “Friends,” with its honest message about friendship, will be performed in a key sequence in “Eternals.” The OST features world-renowned musicians such as Carl Perkins, Skeeter Davis, Merle Haggard, Pink Floyd, Lizzo, and others, in addition to BTS. Following PSY’s “Hangover” in “Black Panther” in 2018, this will be the second time a Korean musician has appeared in a Marvel film.

“Eternals” is based on a comic book series published by Jack Kirby in 1976. It chronicles the narrative of the Eternals, a superhuman species created millions of years ago as a consequence of Celestial genetic experimentation on Earth. Gilgamesh, a super-strong hero who contends with Thor and Hercules, will be played by Ma Dong Seok, a Korean actor. Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, and Gemma Chan feature in the picture, which is directed by Chloé Zhao of “Nomadland” fame. The first episode of “Eternals” will air on November 5th.


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