Home Lifestyle Broccoli The New Favorite Vegetable For The Table

Broccoli The New Favorite Vegetable For The Table


Broccoli, the green vegetable is a hit on the dining table.

On the menu if this green vegetable is served it is more than welcome.

Similar to a cauliflower in its appearance, broccoli is becoming a favorite of the tongue palate.

Further it is an edible green plant from the cabbage family.

The green vegetable Broccoli is everywhere.

Almost every other dish is given the twist of Broccoli.

From salads, to sizzlers, to soups and tandoor, this vegetable is cooked and consumed in different styles.

Nowadays it is also added to pastas and pizzas too.

They are yummy in taste and even children cannot say no to them.

They are also added to fried items and cheesy tandoorBroccoli happens to be a super hit at the restaurant tables.

Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin K.

They also have a number of health benefits.

It has a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber content.

The antioxidant content in Broccoli is beneficial for the human body.

It is a good source of protein, and it also contains iron, potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium.

And in addition, apart from vitamins C and K, it also contains vitamins A and E.

It also can reduce the swelling and inflammation in the body tissues.It can also help fight obesity related problems according to a study.

It can help in healing and recovering faster.

There are many interesting ways the it can be cooked.

It can be cooked in the Indian style, Italian style, Mexican style etc.

Stir fry-broccoli is the easy on the go meal for many.

It is being included in the everyday regular diet.

Whether it is roasted, stir fried, or deep oil friend, one cannot resist the temptation of having a Broccoli.
Broccoli Cheddar Soup is a hit with the kids. For those who are dieting Broccoli salads and light roasted Broccoliin garlic is a comfort meal.

It is filling and does not let you feel hungry.

Whether it is cooked with meat or made the vegetarian way, they are becoming dining table favorites.

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Picture Credit : Instagram


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