Home BTS World BTS’s Jin met his idol, Chris Martin and even received gifts from...

BTS’s Jin met his idol, Chris Martin and even received gifts from him!


BTS’s Jin met his idol, Chris Martin and even received gifts from him!

BTS is widely popular all over the world and further proof came when BTS collaborated with Chris Martin. Chris Martin from Coldplay recently released a song with BTS called ‘My Universe’ and fans are rejoicing.

However, turns out Jin is as excited as the fans as he is a known Coldplay fan. He has often recommended their music to BTS’ Army. After the release of the hit song, Chris Martin went to South Korea and personally met BTS. He even gifted them custom and signed merchandise and buttons from the nonprofit organization Love Button Global Movement.

Jin not only wore the hoodie that Chris gifted him but also attached several of the buttons onto his hoodie. The moment was noticed by fans and it was adorable. Not only that, Jin keeps a polaroid of his picture with Chris in his phone case. Not only that gift, when Jin visited Chris in New York, but he also received another amazing gift. Jin posted a picture of a guitar that Chris gifted him and wrote, “This guitar is a gift from Chris Martin after the performance. I told him that his guitar looked cool and he gladly gave it to me. What an awesome friend! I’ll have to display it nicely at home, it’s going to be a family heirloom now. Thank you, Martin!”

The gift was an adorable one as it was autographed and addressed to Jin “Worldwide Handsome.”


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