Home BTS World Comedian Ji Seokjin has apologized to BTS for covering their superhit single...

Comedian Ji Seokjin has apologized to BTS for covering their superhit single ‘Dynamite’!

Ji Seokjin

The k-pop world has all kinds of love, jokes, friendships, and talks. Ji Seokjin is a great comedian and his friendship with BTS’ Jin started on the running Running Man. As the world would have it, the two stars with a common name still talk and connect despite their busy schedule.

Like all BTS fans, Seokjin tried to grab a BTS- McDonald’s meal. The comedian took a small pit stop on his way. He went to a small second-hand bookstore where he found some of BTS’ old albums.

He was flipping through the albums and looking for the album with Dynamite in it when the camera suggested that he rehearse it. Seokjin once sang Dynamite on Running Man. Ji Seokjin then apologized to BTS again and talked about how he personally sent Jin an apology. Jin replied to Seokjin in the sweetest way possible and Seokjin was so impressed. He revealed that Jin texted him ‘If that helps the song even a bit, I’m rather thankful for that.’ So I was touched once again.’

This just shows how sweet and deep their friendship is!


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