Home Bollywood Dev Negi’s recent released music single ‘Jalpariya’ directed by Abhishek Tyagi and...

Dev Negi’s recent released music single ‘Jalpariya’ directed by Abhishek Tyagi and presented by Entourage Music, has crossed 1+ million views!


The party night groove ‘Jalpariya’ sung by Dev Negi and presented by Entourage Music has crossed 1+ million views on YouTube! The song is marvelously voiced by Parnikaa and Kusu Kusu singer Dev Negi who has given memorable hits besides Kusu Kusu such as Badri Ki Dulhania, Sweetheart from Kedarnath, and more. The music video features actor Karn Mehta and debutant actress Sunaina Lal.

In the words of Director Abhishek Tyagi, “I am beyond joyful to see the song crossing 1 million views. It’s very exciting to see the song garnering so much love from the audience. Working with talents such as Dev Negi, Swaransh Mishra, Parnikaa, Karn Mehta and Sunaina Lal was an amazing experience. I wish that the audience will keep showering the song with love and support”.

The music single is directed by Abhishek Tyagi who has also produced films like Bekhudi starring Adhyayan Suman and the Punjabi movie Gidarh Singhi. The music and lyrics are provided by Swaransh Mishra. Shot in beautiful locations of Gurgaon, ‘Jalpariya’ is the go-to song for your party nights with catchy beats which will make your feet groove.


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