Home Lifestyle Should people with diabetes eat jackfruit or kathal?

Should people with diabetes eat jackfruit or kathal?


Diabetes, a long-term metabolic condition, “is an increasing concern in India with an estimated 8.7% diabetic population in the age group of 20 and 70 years,” according to the World Health Organization.

If mistreated, the illness causes excessive blood sugar levels that can harm the kidneys, heart, eyes, and many other organs.

As a result, individuals with diabetes or even pre-diabetes are frequently counselled to avoid or limit their intake of particular foods, particularly those with a high glycemic index, and to maintain a healthy weight. We have one such diabetes-friendly meal that you may eat here to assist you in making the best decisions: jackfruit.

Vitamins A and C, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, and antioxidants are all found in abundance in jackfruit. According to Dr. Jinal Patel, a nutritionist at Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, it has a medium glycemic index (GI) of 50 to 60 on a scale of 100. “But raw jackfruit, which has a low glycemic load and can enable diabetics to control their blood sugar levels, is great since it can benefit them. Additionally, it has less calories.

But the specialist advised against consuming it in huge amounts. Even eating raw jackfruit in moderation is advised for diabetics. She advised diabetics to consume half a cup, or 75 gram, of jackfruit since it contains a reasonable amount of fibre and would help them fulfil their daily fibre requirements. She also said that raw jackfruit is preferable to cooked jackfruit for diabetics because it has less sugar and fewer calories. But after consuming it, one must monitor their blood sugar levels, she said.

Some people, especially those who are sensitive to birch pollen, may experience inflammatory responses and discomfort from jackfruit. Dr. Jinal cautioned against eating jackfruit if you have any allergies. Additionally, jackfruit should be avoided by those who have problems with blood coagulation since it increases the risk of blood coagulation.

Dr. Jinal emphasized that one should not eat jackfruit either before or after any surgery. Additionally, since the potassium in jackfruit promotes the accumulation of potassium in the blood, resulting in a condition called hyperkalemia, it should be avoided if you have renal problems, such as chronic kidney disease or abrupt kidney failure.


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