Home Celebs Television Discover the winter skincare secrets of TV actors!

Discover the winter skincare secrets of TV actors!


During winter, the cold weather can be tough on the skin. Therefore, following a skincare routine that focuses on keeping the skin hydrated and moisturised, which can combat dryness, is crucial. To keep the skin healthy, plump, and glowing, artists from &TV share their best-kept secrets for winter skincare regimes. These include Neha Joshi (Krishna Devi Vajpayee, Atal), Geetanjali Mishra (Rajesh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan), and Vidisha Srivastava (Anita Bhabi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai. Neha Joshi, essaying Krishna Devi Vajpayee in &TV’s show Atal, shares, “I use natural and organic skincare products in my daily routine, such as face oils and aloe gel, which help to keep my skin moisturised. Additionally, I prefer using homemade face packs and scrubs to nourish my skin during winter. Drinking plenty of water is also essential for my skin, and I always carry a water bottle with me, whether on set or working out. To moisturise my skin during winter, I use a homemade scrub made from pomegranate seeds, my go-to home remedy. I combine two teaspoons of pomegranate seeds and one cup of raw oats and then pour it into a mixing bowl with two tablespoons of honey and buttermilk. I apply the mixture on my face for a few minutes and then rinse it off. This helps remove dead skin cells, rejuvenate the skin, and remove excess oil. It is high in anti-ageing ingredients like antioxidants and vitamin C and is the best remedy for my skin. Moreover, I take care of my hair by oiling it regularly and avoiding using hot tools like blow dryers or curling irons that can strip the natural oils from my hair.”

Geetanjali Mishra, the Rajesh in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, shares, “Winter is all about enjoying the cold weather and sipping on a hot chocolate amidst the beauty of nature. However, these winter activities can affect your skin, making it dry and lifeless. Therefore, it is critical to protect your skin from dryness. To keep my skin healthy, I use a homemade scrub twice a week to exfoliate it. The scrub mixes oatmeal, orange peel, and red lentil powder with rose water. I apply it on my skin and leave it until it is semi-dry. Then, I scrub my face for a few minutes before washing it with ice water. The results are stunning! The mixture helps to moisturise and hydrate my skin for three to four days. I highly recommend this to all readers who want to keep their skin glowing and healthy.” Vidisha Srivastava, aka Anita Bhabi from Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai, shares, “Winters are harsh for my skin as I have dry skin. So, I follow a strict regimen for skincare during the cold season, which also includes skincare advice given to me by my grandmother, which has done wonders for my skin. She suggested using a mixture of milk cream and honey. Milk cream, or malai, is a natural moisturiser that helps keep your skin supple and soft. Honey, on the other hand, is great for getting rid of bacteria that cause pimples and acne on your face. To make the mixture, combine a tablespoon of milk, cream, and honey in a mixing bowl. Apply the mixture to your face and skin for about 15 minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water. If you have dry skin, try this at least twice a week, and you’ll love how your skin feels during the winter season.”

Watch your favourite artists in Atal at 8:00 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV!


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