Home Lifestyle Early warning indicators of mental illness and how to seek assistance

Early warning indicators of mental illness and how to seek assistance


Although your mental health may not be interfering with your everyday life or work obligations, it does signal that something needs to be addressed.

That’s true that seeking professional treatment for mental health difficulties is foreign ground for most individuals, and they often dismiss these concerns as a mere inconvenience.

Have you been sick with a cold or cough? You’d be on your way to the doctor in no time. For the past six months, you’ve been depressed or fatigued? You’d almost certainly blame yourself for something. It’s true that seeking professional treatment for mental health difficulties is foreign ground for most individuals, and they prefer to dismiss these concerns, believing they are overreacting to a little problem or that it’s all in their heads. If they’re in treatment, they’re likely to be concerned about how their family and friends will respond.

Furthermore, psychological difficulties, like other health concerns, are not always easy to grasp, and the symptoms are not always clear. Some people may also be unwilling to invest time and money on their mental health since it is not a top priority for them.

Debasmita Sinha, Psychologist and Clinical Director of Manah Wellness, discusses some typical symptoms that a person may require the services of a mental health expert.

“Emotional health difficulties that linger longer than two weeks should be examined with a mental health practitioner. Low mood or sadness; anxiety/inability to relax; brain fog or focus issues; unexplained fatigue/difficulty starting or getting through the day; feeling disinterested in previously enjoyable activities; having thoughts of self-harm or ending life; or any unexplained shift in appetite and/or sleep are examples of these issues “according to the psychologist.

Other clue that you should get help from a mental health expert is your inability to cope with a traumatic life event on your own. Even the healthiest people might have trouble dealing with stressful events or life transitions. Getting competent mental health help early on can help you cope with the emotional shock of these occurrences and equip you to deal with the suffering that comes with them.

“You may require assistance if you have lost a loved one, are going through a divorce or split, are enduring a stressful move or new project, or are being physically or mentally assaulted.”


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