Home Lifestyle Easy Lemon Hacks Every Woman Must Know

Easy Lemon Hacks Every Woman Must Know


Packed with a lot of health and beauty benefits, lemons have been used to cure various diseases and ailments. Lemons contain Vitamin C which is beneficial for your skin and hair.

Works as a natural deodorant

Tired of stinky underarms? Simply rub a lemon on your underarms for around 5-7 minutes and wash it off. Lemons’ natural antibacterial property kills the bacteria. Mix it with water if you have sensitive skin.

Skin toner

Suited for oily skin, mix some drops of lemon juice and a couple drops of water and your DIY toner is ready. This will make your skin soft and clear.

Best anti-dandruff

Lemons are one of the best solutions for your dandruff problem. Apply lemon juice on your scalp, message for 5-10 mins and wash it off with cold water. Avoid if you have skin irritation or other hair problems.

Lip exfoliator

Lemon juice mixed with glycerin works best for dull and dry lips. Apply the mixture on your lips. You can keep it overnight and wash your lips next morning for the best results.

* The remedies are just for your information; do not try if you have any skin or hair-related issues.


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