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Half pants, Full pants streaming on Amazon Prime Video is a great watch


Anand stays in a railway colony in Shimoga with his conservative parents. They believe in simple living, but Anand has huge aspirations from life and wants to make it big.

A simple village life has its appeal. Whether is Malgudi days, Panchayat or this show, each of these shows has a lesson to impart-be happy the way things are.

Anand is adorable, he is a natural. He pays his role to perfection with little or no effort. Ashish Vidyarthi and Sonal Kulkarni have also acted very well.

This series based on a book by the same name by Anand Suspi, transports us to the carefree childhood days when life was all about innocence and less about technology. In each episode, we are introduced to different instances in Anand’s life and his sweet ways of dealing with it. Although his intent is pure, he lands up disappointing either his friends or parents. From bunking school to making a magnet out of 10 paise coins to betting with his friends, his ways are innocent.

The eight-episode series is an ode to simple living and high thinking. This is a happy, refreshing series that will warm your hearts on a cold winter evening. This series is a trip down memory lane that makes you look back and feel all nostalgic about your own childhood. All the characters are loveable and relatable. The background music is apt. A happy series.


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