Home Celebs Hollywood Have you heard of road rage? Now see what it leads to...

Have you heard of road rage? Now see what it leads to in Beef.


Two people, belonging to different strata of society, get thrown together by a random act of road rage. Just like life that throws unforeseen lemons at us, we too get caught up in random acts of anger, rudeness and loose the Zen that we should follow and need in our lives.

Both the protagonists are hustlers. They belong to immigrant parents and they both have much more to deal with, than what they can handle. Danny is a contactor who is barely making ends meet and wants to make his parents proud. Amy, has it going well except an unhappy marriage.

The beef, as in the struggle to put another down, rips them apart. They are forever at daggers drawn with one another.

This 10-part series makes us reflect the role of social media in our lives. It is through the internet that Danny is able to locate Amy after their clash. Upon finding her, he makes way under false pretense to get into her house and urinates on the bathroom floor. Danny’s business is spammed with negative comments. Every step of the way, the internet assists their feud.

In today’s time and age of Twitter and other social media, beef no longer refers to food. Twitter beefs spare no one from Donald Trump to Kim Kardashian.

This Netflix series delves into the lives of two lonely people, how broken they are and how willing they are to break the other person down. In reality it’s there own unhappy selves that is leading them to the path of self-destruction and more.


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