Home Lifestyle How can a mother’s mental health be protected before and after childbirth?

How can a mother’s mental health be protected before and after childbirth?


Here’s everything you can do to take care of your mental health before or after childbirth, from getting medical help to spending extra time with your spouse and family to indulging in favorite pastimes.

Childbirth is a beautiful and natural event. During childbirth, many women feel a flood of emotions. They frequently feel overwhelmed by the entire birthing process due to hormones. This has an immediate effect on their mental and emotional well-being.

When it comes to selecting what is best for themselves, it is vital for women going through delivery to recognize that they are the final decision-makers. Women may feel guilty for prioritizing their mental and emotional health over their obligations to their children as new mothers, but it is critical to remember that in order to give the best for the kid, the mother must first be at peace. If her spouse and family members are supportive, she will be able to enjoy the experience of birthing.

Perinatal depression is a disorder that affects many women during their pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. Women frequently have postpartum depression, which manifests itself in the first year after giving child. “Some of the common signs of depression and anxiety in new mothers include feeling extremely sad or angry without warning, having trouble completing daily tasks, feeling anxious around the baby, feeling guilty, and usually irritable,” Saher ali said of the symptoms of pre- and post-childbirth depression. There are no clear causes for this. Physical, environmental, and emotional variables may all contribute to such sensations.”

Counseling: Getting counselling from a competent psychologist or therapist and talking to them about your concerns is one of the therapies for depression. A mother who is depressed might also discuss it with her obstetrician or midwife.

Other moms: Talking to other women who have recently given birth is suggested; you may share your experiences, issues, and challenges with them.

More family time: Make an effort to spend more time with your loved ones. Seek their help and participate in things that bring you joy.


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