Home Lifestyle In a post-Covid world, how do you deal with stress?

In a post-Covid world, how do you deal with stress?


According to Dr. Preeti Chawla, counselling psychologist and life skills trainer at The Learning Lobby by Practically, “studies throughout the world have showed a tremendous surge in the frequency and severity of stress-related diseases.”

“It’s interesting that the terror of the Covid-19 virus isn’t the virus itself, but the new normal that individuals have unwittingly adopted in order to break the viral chain.”

Uncertainty has always been a source of stress on all levels. Students and stay-at-home moms were not forgotten. Returning to school/college also brought worry and dread of contracting the virus to students and parents.

If it is impossible to prevent stress, it is vital to learn how to cope with it and manage it efficiently.

Recognize your emotions

It’s critical that you be open and honest about your feelings. One of the most effective ways to capture your innermost thoughts and feelings is to keep a journal.

As you record your ideas, make a note of anything that makes you feel uneasy. Speak with a trustworthy friend or seek advice from a therapist. Take it easy on yourself. Do not pass judgement on oneself.

Acceptance of the unknown

Although we all want to have complete control over our lives, this is not always the case. For that matter, the epidemic was out of limits.

Nobody anticipated that it would make it impossible to plan ahead of time. Life is full with uncertainties.

The goal is to prepare oneself to maintain a calm mind during the ebbs and tides, regardless of how things turn out. It’s fine if you don’t have control over the circumstance.

Get some exercise

The worst enemy is a sedentary lifestyle. According to ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, being a couch potato causes stress, which can exacerbate or cause various health problems including cardiovascular disease, immune system suppression, diabetes, obesity, sleep problems, migraines, neck and back pain, and melancholy or anxiety.

Food that is nutritious

Maintain a well-balanced diet. Reduce your intake of junk or fried meals. Citrus fruits should be a part of your daily diet.

Citrus fruits, according to the book ‘Post-harvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits,’ have several health advantages ranging from increasing immunity to creating collagen and lowering anaemia and stress.

Keep in touch

Many people have felt cut off from their herd as a result of the lockdowns and occasional socializing that came with them.

However, one may still participate in online communities and speak with friends and strangers via video conversations, as well as participate in online forums related to their area of interest – whether it is a book club or a pastime.


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