Home Viral In a viral video, a forest inspector saves a cobra from a...

In a viral video, a forest inspector saves a cobra from a residence in Kerala. Internet applauds your efforts

Wildlife Rescue

A video of a forest officer saving a cobra went popular on the internet. Sudha Ramen, an IFS officer, shared the video on Twitter.

Snakes are highly deadly creatures, and the majority of people fear them. Fear, on the other hand, is only a word for this woman. A female forest inspector can be seen valiantly saving a snake after it was discovered at a residence in Kattakkada, Kerala’s Thiruvananthpuram, in a video that has gone viral online. Sudha Ramen, an IFS officer, posted the video, which has received over 50k views.

Roshini, a forest officer, is seen saving a cobra in the now-viral video. She gripped the reptile’s neck with a hook and lifted it up by its tail. For a few seconds, the reptile tried to fight back, but eventually slithered into a bag. She then calmly knotted the bag and walked away with the snake.

“A heroic forest staff member, Roshini, saves a snake from human habitations in Kattakada. She’s been taught how to deal with snakes. The number of women working in forest departments around the country is increasing,” says the post’s description.

Netizens were astounded by the officer’s abilities and praised her in the comments section.

“This is the first wildlife rescue I’ve seen when no one is yelling. A user said, “Great job managing the snake with ease and a little prior effort.”

“Wow, what a gutsy person,” another user said. She’s been well-educated.”

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