Home Viral In Gujarat, a giant cobra swallows a huge viper, and the video...

In Gujarat, a giant cobra swallows a huge viper, and the video becomes viral


In Kalali, Vadodara, a five-foot Russell’s viper was slowly devoured by a gigantic Indian cobra.

When a six-foot Indian cobra was discovered devouring its gigantic five-foot viper supper following a struggle between the two snakes, the Animals SOS team was summoned to Madhu Farm. Wildlife SOS is a non-profit organization that saves and rehabilitates wildlife across India. The cobra was gently removed from the farmhouse and released back into its native habitat by the crew.

Wildlife SOS discovered the cobra devouring the Viper by gently digesting the head first, in partnership with the Gujarat Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Both snakes were engaged in a bloody battle.

The cobra can be seen in the video using a unique mechanism that allows snakes to swallow food considerably larger than their heads, such as a large mouse or, in this case, another massive snake.

In India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and southern Nepal, Indian cobras can be found. They may grow up to six and a half feet long, and as adults, they hunt on mammals, while as juveniles, they prey on frogs, tiny snakes, and lizards.

A cobra was discovered at a railway station in Rajasthan earlier this month in another bizarre incident. It had infiltrated the control panel and was seen sitting on top of a table with his hood open. Ravtha Road (RDT), Kota Division, was the scene of the event. On the busiest track, the six-foot cobra had no influence on train service.


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