Home Viral In this viral video, a Chinese woman is pinned down and forced...

In this viral video, a Chinese woman is pinned down and forced to take a Covid test.


China is pursuing its “zero COVID” policy, claiming that it will save many lives by citing the millions of COVID fatalities in other nations.

People in China are more concerned about the lockdowns than they are about the coronavirus. And there are compelling reasons for this, as seen by countless films from Shanghai and elsewhere.

A video circulating on Twitter depicts a lady being pushed down by a guy for a Covid test.

The woman is seen lying down on the floor of what looks to be a testing facility with a man on top of her as the video begins. She screams and tries to fight the forced exam, but the guy grabs her hands and forcibly holds them beneath his knees.

He then forcibly opens the woman’s lips, at which point a hazmat-suited healthcare professional collects a swab sample.

The internet has been startled by the footage. “”What a tragedy how they oppress the poor,” one person tweeted. “It’s all awful and horrible,” says the narrator “another person stated.

Others shared recordings of Chinese healthcare officials forcibly entering the house of an elderly man for the obligatory Covid test last month.

The video was originally shared on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, before spreading to other social media sites.

The exact location of the footage is unknown, but it comes at a time when Shanghai residents have been under strict lockdown for more than a month.

Beijing, China’s capital, has also shut down more than 40 metro stations and 158 bus lines as a precautionary measure. The Chaoyang area, the epicenter of Beijing’s epidemic, has the majority of the stopped stations and routes.


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