Home K-Content Lee Min Ho picks which of his portrayed characters he would want...

Lee Min Ho picks which of his portrayed characters he would want to live as!

Lee Min Ho

K-Dramas hold a special place in not just the viewers’ hearts but also the actors’ hearts. When it comes to picking one of their roles, actors often fail to do so since all characters have reasons to be picked. Lee Min Ho was recently faced with this dilemma.

Lee Min Ho is one of the best-known actors in Korean cinema. He made his debut in the early 2000s and he has held everyone’s heart ever since.

Lee Min Ho recently sat down with ESQUIRE Korea. This is where he spilt details about himself. He talked about his recent roles, what he likes to do in his spare time, and much more.

One of his many fans asked a particularly interesting question. They asked the amazing actor, “What character would you choose to live as for the rest of your life?” That is when Lee Min Ho had to think since he has played lots of unique and amazing roles over the long course of his career.

Finally, Lee Min Ho picked his most iconic role. Kim Tan from Heirs is not just Lee Min Ho’s favourite but everyone’s beloved role. Lee Min Ho was asked why he picked that role and he answered with honesty. He said, “I want to go back to high school. I want to do what I want to do without any stress for three years.”


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