&TV introduced eight new characters across all its shows in 2023, adding twists to storylines. In Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, three characters were introduced. Imran Nazir Khan as Timmy, a guest in one of the side-splitting episodes. He is presented as the younger cousin brother of Vibhuti Narayan Mishra (Aasif Sheikh) and the captain of the Indian national cricket team. He has high regard for Vibhuti as he trained under him for cricket in his early days and now owes his success to him. His visit to Kanpur for a match leads to an unexpected twist, leaving the audience in splits. Leena Goenka marks her entry as Dimple, a guest caught in a rather amusing situation. Dimple is a mischievous girl who arrives in Modern Colony to make Vibhuti’s Chacha ji (Annup Upadhyay) fall for her. However, things take an unexpected turn when Dimple falls in love with Vibhuti instead. Her arrival causes a significant upheaval in Vibhuti’s life. Vijay Laxmi Mallya has a cameo as Maryada, Vibhuti’s cousin’s sister, who informs him of her severe illness and limited time left to live. She requests her brother Vibhuti’s help in finding true love. However, her arrival causes great turmoil in the married life of Manmohan Tiwari and Angoori as she falls in love with Manmohan Tiwari.

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan saw two new replacements for its immensely popular ‘Rajjo’ and ‘Kat’ characters. While Geetanjali Mishra stepped into ‘Rajesh Singh’s role, Gazal Sood was roped into essaying ‘Kat’s character. Geetanjli Mishra is known for her impeccable acting prowess and phenomenal performances in television shows and web series. Her character of Rajesh is known for her witty comebacks and catchy Bundelkhandi dialogues. She is a mother of nine children and is at constant odds with her mother-in-law, Katori Amma (Himani Shivpuri), but she respects and cares for her. She always makes her husband do things she wants. On the other hand, Kat is a ditsy yet sweet and happy-go-lucky girl who struggles to speak fluent English and earns the ire of people around her who do not understand what she is saying. In a candid interview with us, the actress talks about her character and how much she enjoys doing comedy.

Doosri Maa witnessed three new entries. Micckie Dudaney as Varun Sharma, an antagonist who stirs up new hurdles and challenges in the lives of Yashoda (Neha Joshi) and Krishna (Aayudh Bhanushali). He proclaims to be Krishna’s father but is intricately involved in Kamini (Priety Sahay) and Bansal’s plot to oust Krishna from the household. Darshan Dave, as Randheer Sharma, is a lawyer in a rivalry with Ashok (Mohit Dagga), who has lost all his cases against him. Even though, after Ashok’s disappearance and during the difficult phase of Yashoda (Neha Joshi), Randheer offers a helping hand. Randheer aims to impress Yashoda with his kindness while harbouring a complex and multi-layered personality. Swatantra Bharat as Shamshera, a robust local goon and a kabaddi team trainer who forges a connection with Krishna (Aayudh Bhanushali) due to their shared background as orphans. Following the loss of his mother and abandonment by his father, Shamshera resorted to a misguided path to assert control in his community.


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