junk food

Bad effects to eating junk food on your health

The trend of junk food has entered our lives a few years back and has become an inseparable part now. It's also known as...
Rava idli

Try this recipe of rava idli recipe in breakfast, ideal for weight watchers

What is rava idli? South Indian dish rava idli are steamed cake made with semolina, yogurt and vegetables combined with pulses and spices which is...
postpartum depression

Things you need to know about postpartum depression

What is postpartum depression? As a new mom several emotions might jumble up at the same time. You might feel excited, joy and at the...

Best Himalayan treks for beginners

If you are an amateur in trekking, the Himalayan range is ideal for you. Embark on enthralling trekking trails over and around the mountains.  Trekking...
summer fruit packs

Natural summer fruit packs for healthy glowing skin

Summers are the best time to grab fresh fruits and include them in your daily diet. Save a portion of fresh fruits and pamper...

Health benefits of having Ayurveda’s elixir- Giloy

Taking care of our health has become utmost important in order to safeguards ourselves from the deadly virus. People are now returning to their...
Benefits of rubbing ice cubes

Benefits of rubbing ice cubes on your face

In today’s time we all leave no stone unturned when it comes to skincare. We all wish to have flawless face, but sometimes due...

Meditation tips for beginners

Meditation is an ancient technique of focusing and enhancing your inner self and visualizing your positive attributes. It helps to create a sense of...
Time Management

Tips for improving time management skills

Time management is a strategy of planning out your work in a particular time frame in order to work more efficiently. Effective time management...

Why should you think twice before ingesting too much salt in your body?

Salt is something you cannot have your food without but it is necessary to keep a check on much salt you are consuming in...