Home Lifestyle The secret to Mira Kapoor’s beautiful glowing skin and shiny hair

The secret to Mira Kapoor’s beautiful glowing skin and shiny hair

Mira Rajput

Mira Kapoor is a wife of famous Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor. The gorgeous Mira recently shared her love for natural oils and DIY masks, made using simple ingredients through a video on her Instagram channel.

Honey and turmeric face mask

Simple and easy to make, this face mask needs only two ingredients honey and a pinch of turmeric. According to this diva applying a honey and turmeric face mask helps to get rid of dry skin cells and makes your skin glow.


Basil anti-acne spot treatment

Mira says she uses basil anti-acne spot treatment to treat her ugly zits. It helps to settle down the redness and bumps which cause due to zit.


Coconut oil and hibiscus hair growth

Products that Mira uses to get shiny and silky hair, are hibiscus flowers, leaves with coconut oil, curry leaves, fenugreek seeds, neem and amla powder and boils them all together. After cooling down she applies it on her scalp.


Mira Kapoor said that “I try to recommend natural homemade products than chemical based products.”



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