Home Lifestyle The struggles on an introvert…it’s not always easy.

The struggles on an introvert…it’s not always easy.


Introverts take time to open up, keep their thoughts to themselves and the journey is not easy. The world looks up to chirpy, talkative extroverts and being an introvert, has its fair share of challenges.

One of the biggest struggles on an introvert is, overthinking. The mind is like a super computer, that never switches off. They over analyze every issue, till even a mole becomes a mountain.

Introverts like solitude. The constant noise, interruptions, the social pressures of the world, are taxing.

As an intelligent introvert, the pressure to fit-in, in society is intense. Introverts like calm, quiet spaces, only deep meaningful conversations, but the pressures of society, drain an introvert.

People often misunderstand introverts and exclude them. It can be heartbreaking. Introverts process the world differently, they listen, observe, rather than just blurting their thoughts. Expressing their thoughts is a challenge.

Introverts get lonely very soon. Those that like the outer world, get charged when they meet others, go to a party, dress-up and more. On the other hand, introverts find parties draining, they don’t let-go easily, but the mind is busy on its own. Just being by yourself, is also detrimental sometimes.

Introverts have depth, resilience and are highly intelligent. It’s a unique quality, a gift. Susan Cain, author of ‘Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a world that can’t stop talking’, said, “There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.”

So if you’re an introvert, celebrate it, not every one can enjoy themselves and it is a gift.



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