Home Lifestyle These lifestyle habits will keep your kidneys pleased

These lifestyle habits will keep your kidneys pleased


According to a health survey, 175,000 people in India were on chronic dialysis in 2018, indicating that the number of people with kidney illness is rising. Many disorders wreak havoc on the kidney’s function, resulting in health issues.

An organ the size of a fist the kidneys, which are positioned beneath the rib cage on both sides and are separated by the spinal cord, perform a variety of vital functions to keep the body healthy. Toxins are removed from the body, vitamin D is activated, blood pressure is controlled and balanced, water is consumed, and electrolytes are maintained.

Here’s a quick reference guide to help you maintain your kidneys healthy:

Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough of water on a daily basis is beneficial to your health. Water aids in the elimination of toxins and the removal of salt from the body, which aids in the prevention of chronic illness. Water intake is determined by a variety of factors, including lifestyle, exercise regimen, consumption, climate, lactation, and pregnancy. To avoid kidney-related issues, experts advise that everyone drink enough of water.

Maintain your fitness: being fit does not necessitate performing several activities or running a marathon. Simple exercises such as walking, dancing, jogging, or cycling can help you maintain your general health. Not only that, but regular exercise also helps to keep blood pressure in check and supports heart health, all of which are important for kidney function.

Control blood sugar levels: Diabetes and other conditions that cause high blood sugar levels, such as PCOS, can cause kidney damage. When the body is unable to adequately utilise glucose in the blood, the kidneys are forced to work harder. If the condition is not treated, it might lead to renal failure. Controlling blood sugar levels can also assist to avoid future harm and keep the issue under control.

Maintain a healthy weight: Processed foods harm the kidneys over time, leading to a variety of disorders. Choose foods with minimal sodium content, such as cauliflower, blueberries, salmon, wholegrains, and a variety of other natural components. Obese people are more likely to develop kidney disease as a result of health problems caused by obesity-related illnesses such high blood pressure and diabetes.


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