Home Lifestyle This is what happens to your body if you only eat fruit...

This is what happens to your body if you only eat fruit every day


Fruit can aid weight loss in certain people. It can also help to protect your body from sickness and illness. Not to mention that it tastes good and isn’t as tough to swallow as a salad. However, some people just eat fruit. Fruitarians, as they’re known, consume nothing but fruit (and some nuts.) While this diet may appear severe, it has been adopted by a number of well-known celebrities.

Steve Jobs was a fruitarian for some of his life. According to legend, Jobs called his firm Apple because it sounded “fun, lively, and not scary.” Jobs, according to Walter Isaacson’s biography, would eat nothing but carrots and apples for weeks at a time. This lifestyle has been adopted by YouTube celebrities and bloggers, who promote its benefits online.

“Fortified milk, fortified cereal, and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines” are all good sources of vitamin D. In a fruit-only diet, certain foods are forbidden. We can’t absorb calcium and magnesium adequately without Vitamin D, two essential minerals for bone health. Vitamin D is essential for robust bones, which we require throughout our lives. In addition, without Vitamin D, bones have a harder time healing after an accident.

If you skip a meal or two, you won’t go into starvation mode. A continuous shortage of nutrients, on the other hand, will set off alarm bells in your body. You may become lethargic, depressed, constipated, chilled, or even lose your hair as your body struggles with a lack of nutrients. What’s the best way to avoid it? Consume a well-balanced diet. Fruits alone do not provide enough nutrition for the body, so it will think there is no “next meal” on the way.

Prebiotics are necessary for the normal functioning of the microorganisms in your stomach. Fruits with more complex carbs also provide your body with beneficial prebiotics. However, without other essential nutrients, your body will not be able to absorb the prebiotics completely. Absorption is crucial because if a nutrient isn’t effectively absorbed, your body won’t be able to fully utilize it. It will just be discarded by the system.

Excessive fruit consumption might also disrupt the fragile digestive system due to the increased fiber and water. You may suffer digestive discomfort, which might prevent you from effectively absorbing nutrients.


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