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Anupam Kher shared a heartbreaking story of a 5-year-old child, promises to sponsor his entire education

Anupam Kher

Veteran actor Anupam Kher remains active on social media platforms and keeps updating about his life whereabouts. The actor recently shared an emotional video on Twitter. He shared the story of Himanshu, a 5-year-old boy who recently lost his father. The veteran actor has promised to take care of his education.

Anupam Kher often shares inspiring stories and throwback pictures on his social media accounts. The actor took to his Twitter handle and shared the heartbreaking story of Himanshu. The actor met him at the Jutogh railway station, near Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

In the video clip shared on Twitter, the two can be seen sitting on a platform bench and having a fun conversation. When Anupam offered to walk across the tracks to Himanshu, that’s when he revealed that he recently lost his father in an accident. This news left the veteran actor in shock.

Alongside the video he wrote, “I met 5-year-old Himanshu at Jutogh railway station near Shimla. He was knowledgeable and simple in his words. And then the simplicity with which he said one thing shook me. I have promised Himanshu’s mother Usha that @anupamcares will take care of its entire education.”

Fans and followers of the actor lauded him for his gesture and commented on his post.

Anupam Kher

A user commented, “Thank you, Sir, for your kindness and support for the child. This is real education, always caring for others. May God bless you sir. One of my favorite program” Say Na Something to Anupam Uncle” that was really awesome. Love and regards.”

“Thank you Sir for your kindness and support for the child. This is real education, always care for others. May God bless you sir. One of my favorite program” Say Na Something to Anupam Uncle” was really awesome. Love and regards,” tweeted another.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Anupam Kher will be seen in The Last Show helmed by Vivek Agnihotri. The film also features Satish Kaushik, Pallavi Joshi, and Vardhan Puri.

He will also be seen in The Kashmir Files among others movies.  

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