Home Lifestyle Thoughtful things to say or do, other than say, “I’m sorry”.

Thoughtful things to say or do, other than say, “I’m sorry”.


Sometimes when a person is hurt, hearing “I’m sorry”, sounds shallow. However, there are several thoughtful ways in which regret can be expressed.

  1. ACKNOWLEDGING THE IMACT- This acceptance of your mistake, makes the other person understand that you have understood the impact of your actions and how your behavior affected the other person. Say something like, “I realize my actions hurt you or I realize how insensitive my words were.”
  2. EXPRESS EMPATY- empathy makes the other person feel you understood what it feels like to be in another’s shoes. Meaningful apologies involve feeling the pain of the other.
  3. MAKE AMENDS- What’s done cannot be undone. In Japan, when anything is broken, they repair it with gold, signifying that damage and repair are a natural part of life. Offer, “What can I do to make this right?”
  4. DON’T MAKE EXCUSES- Excuses sound lame and insincere sometimes. Don’t try to justify the past but take responsibility for your actions and try to rebuild trust.
  5. SHOW CHANGE- this reassures the person you are committed and won’t make the same mistake again. Say something like, “I’ve learned from this. I understand how much my actions hurt you and I will make sure this doesn’t happen.”
  6. LET GO OF YOUR EGO- Admitting your faults, is a sign of good character. There’s strength in being vulnerable. It shows humility and willingness to bend what’s broken.
  7. USE NAMES- using someone’s name makes it more personal and adds focus.

We all make mistakes, but a genuine person stands out. No harm in a heartfelt aplogy.


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