Home Lifestyle Foods under 50 calories that are great for health!

Foods under 50 calories that are great for health!


Certified nutritionist Disha Sethi has shared 5 foods with less than 50 calories, that are great in taste yet a feast for flavour, without the calorie overload.

  1. MUSHROOMS- A nutrient packed food, that supports the immune system, aids digestion, contributes to weight management due to their low calorie and high-fiber content. Mushrooms are packed with vitamin B and try to include them in your diet.
  2. STRAWBERRIES- A power house of Vitamin C, they have cancer fighting properties. They support heart health, aid in regulating blood sugar levels and can be eaten with yogurt, oats or even in a smoothie.
  3. BLUEBERRIES- A rich powerhouse of antioxidants and anthocyanins, they improve vision, cognitive functions and prevent disease. It also benefits the skin and gut health.
  4. CUCUMBER- A storehouse of Vitamin K, for bone health and potassium for heart health, cucumbers have several benefits. Eat them raw or in a sandwich. Their low-calorie and hydrating properties make them suitable for individuals seeking weight loss or managing diabetes.
  5. PEPPERS- A powerhouse of micronutrients and Vitamins C, A and B6. They improve immunity, relieve pain and look after your skin.

So, dear readers add these to your daily diet, we are what we eat!


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