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Mea Culpa, the movie that is topping the charts- a hit or a miss?


Mea Culpa, the latest movie on Netflix, has received a lashing from a whole lot of viewers. The film is about a legal defense attorney who takes on a case to defend the artist Trevante Rhodes, who is suspected of killing his girlfriend.

Rotten Tomatoes gave it a score of 17%, indicating most people have expressed a dislike for the movie. What starts as a serious plot to find out the murderer, turns into a sex film, with family feuds and the plot is somewhat lost in the process.

In the Guardian, a two-star rating has been given. Benjamin Lee wrote, “As one might have guessed from the plot description, it’s hopelessly over stacked, Perry’s poor actors stumbling over absurdly soapy dialogue, needlessly busying something that required a lot more focus to work. While it might start out as an erotic thriller, it slows down to a damp relationship drama before meandering its way to a climax hinged on head-scratching twists that make zero sense.”

The movie could have been excellent, had it stuck to the main theme. Too much family drama, the husband is totally a mommy’s boy, the brother in law, overly demanding, Tyler Perry could do a lot better, yet something about the twists in the end held my interest.

If you have nothing to do, with the remote in your hand, watch it!


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