Home BTS World BTS’ Jungkook is gaining praise for maintaining his Doberman’s original features!

BTS’ Jungkook is gaining praise for maintaining his Doberman’s original features!


BTS’ Jungkook recently introduced his many fans to the latest addition to his family, his dog. He has adorably named his dog, Jeon Bahm whom he introduced in BTS In The Soop 2.

Dobermans are known to be fiercely loyal and protective. They were originally kept as guard dogs as they can put up a great fight. They look scary and stand tall. Jungkook adorably told his pet, Bahm, “You don’t need to be on guard. I can protect myself,” while they were walking.

This made the army even happier. Jungkook is proving to be a great dog father. With Dobermans, some harmful practices are common. The dogs are often deprived of their natural charm and made to look more threatening and powerful by ear clipping. This refers to the process of surgically altering or completely removing a dog’s ears and taping them to stand upright. It is known for being a painful process for the animals since large sections of their outer ears are cut off.

One more painful practice that Dobermans have to put up with is docking tails. This refers to shortening the length of their tails in order to make them more aesthetic looking and less prone to common injury. Now, fans noticed that Jungkook has followed neither of these processes and let Bahm be his natural self.


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