Home BTS World BTS Member Suga Celebrates His 28th Birthday With Donation For Children

BTS Member Suga Celebrates His 28th Birthday With Donation For Children


Famous K-Pop star Suga celebrated his 28th Birthday on 9th March in a very special way. He came live on VLIVE to meet his fans and shared some beautiful moments with them. South Korea’s Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital shared that BTS member Suga donated over 100 million won (£63,000) to help needy children, who are suffering from diseases like cancer.

Suga expressed his love and acknowledgement with his statement ‘I hope this donation will help children who are not receiving treatment due to difficult family circumstances, so that they can grow healthy and bright.’

The hospital director stated “Suga’s donation is touching, and we are grateful for it. We hope that this good influence will spread throughout society. We are proud of the BTS members who are enhancing national prestige through good stages. We hope you will continue to work as artists who are loved all over the world.”

In previous years, BTS members donated over 100 million won to the charity and Korean Child Fund.

BTS members will next perform at Grammy Nominations award ceremony, which will telecast on 14th March 2021 at 8pm EST on CBS.


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