Home BTS World BTS’ V shows his support for South Korean Athlete Shin Yubin as...

BTS’ V shows his support for South Korean Athlete Shin Yubin as she competes in the Tokyo Olympics!


BTS and Army share a very special bond. Very often, BTS reaches out to an Army and becomes their beacon of hope. Now, the special fan who got V’s support is South Korean Athlete Shin Yubin. Shin Yubin is the youngest member of the South Korean table tennis team.

Prior to leaving for Tokyo, Shin Yubin sat down for an interview wherein she talked about her love for BTS and how her bias is V. In the talk, she said, “I always watch a lot of your videos and cheer for you. So please cheer for me a lot too.” Her words have come true!

On July 25, Yubin beat Luxembourg’s Xia Lian Ni in the second round of the women’s singles. Soon after, a fan posted a pic of Yubin on Weverse and captioned it with “I listen to BTS’s new songs often… my condition feels better.” (This is an extract from Shin Yubin’s interview) The post soon had lots of comments and likes but there was one comment which stood out! It was BTS’ V who commented via his official account. Under the post about Yubin, V wrote ‘Fighting’ along with a thumbs-up.


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