Home Lifestyle Try these fun DIYs with your kids to keep them entertained for...

Try these fun DIYs with your kids to keep them entertained for hours


With schools closed for more than a year now and kids have almost nothing to do, don’t get dishearten!  We have mentioned a few fun DIY activities below to help you to keep your child entertained at home. 

Art and craft is also proven to be beneficial for well being of mental health and helps children to relax and have fun. Try these DIY projects to keep boredom at bay.

DIY Jellyfish

For trying this activity you just need paper plates, yarns of different color, glue and water colors. Color the paper plate; add ribbons to the paper plate in a proper spaced out manner. You can use your creativity to decorate the jellyfish by using sparkles, embellishments or maybe nu just adding eyes. Finish it off by hanging a hook and secure it properly.  

DIY Tissue Box Monsters

You must have empty tissue boxes lying in the house already. Paint these tissue boxes in the color of your choice and use pom-poms to decorate. You can make fun eyes or teeth with paper and stick them in the boxes to give the look of the monster. You can even convert it later into a game, like who feeds the maximum number of pom-poms to the monster in a minute.

DIY Microwave Puffy Paint

This activity is absolute fun! Just paint anything on your regular paper and microwave your artwork for a few seconds to watch them puff up right in front of your eyes. 


DIY Pour Painted Flower Pots

This is a fun activity to color your garden pots. Just keep the pots upside down and pour different colors on the pots. It’s fun and easy and will change the look of your garden. 

DIY wands

Wands are very simple to make! Use different color craft papers to make the wands. You can think of different themes as well to create different wands.  

DIY Button Tree or Thumbnail family tree 

You can make a button tree or a thumbnail tree. For making a button tree all you need is different colored buttons, paint and a canvas. For making a thumbnail tree you need a different set of colors and a canvas. 

DIY Yarn Wrapped Vase 

If you have extra yarns at home, then you can make easy yarn wrapped vase to add a splash of colors to your home décor.

Also Read – Try these yoga poses as home to feel relaxed and calm


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