Home Lifestyle Gum disease puts you at a roughly 40% higher chance of acquiring...

Gum disease puts you at a roughly 40% higher chance of acquiring mental health issues


According to a new study, poor oral health might contribute to poor mental health. Gum disease and tooth problems, according to University of Birmingham researchers, can raise a person’s risk of sadness and anxiety over the following several years.

A history of gum disease might dramatically increase a person’s risk of acquiring autoimmune illnesses, heart disease, and even metabolic disorders like diabetes, according to research authors.

When oral disease advances, it can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. However, little is known about the link between poor dental health and a variety of chronic conditions.

During the study, researchers looked at the medical histories of almost 64,000 persons who had a history of periodontal disease. Gingivitis and periodontitis, for example, are dangerous gum infections that cause bleeding gums and can damage the jawbone if not treated promptly. Gingivitis was found in 60,995 people, while periodontitis was found in 3,384.

The researchers compared these people to a quarter-million healthy patients with no history of gum disease, taking into consideration things like BMI, smoking habits, and ethnicity.

Those who had periodontal disease at the outset of the trial had a 37% greater chance of acquiring mental health difficulties over the next three years, according to the findings. Higher rates of sadness, anxiety, and “severe mental disease,” according to the study’s authors, are among these difficulties.

“A significant implication of our findings is the need for effective communication between dental and other healthcare professionals to ensure patients receive an effective treatment plan targeting both oral and wider health to improve their current overall health and reduce the risk of future illness.”


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