Home Lifestyle Habits that could damage your skin!

Habits that could damage your skin!


We often ignore the factors that cause damage to our skin. Taking care of your skin is equally important to look good and fresh. With simple changes in your routine you can get back that glowing and radiant skin. Here are some of the daily habits that could damage your skin.

Not removing makeup before bed

Cleaning your face and removing makeup before going to bed is very essential, especially after a lengthy day. And just because grime is not visible on your face doesn’t mean it’s not there. Over a period, your complexion will look dulled. Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers or night creams before going to bed to hydrate your skin.


Due to nicotine, blood flow to your skin gets reduced and your skin doesn’t get enough oxygen and nutrients. The available chemicals in tobacco may damage collagen and elastin. They help keep your skin firm and flexible. So quit smoking and give your skin a new life.

Skipping on sunscreen

Applyingsunscreen on your face before going out can prevent your skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. And it’s not only about your beach vacation when you need SPF. The rays can cause damage even if it’s not sunny outside. Along with drinking a lot of water and taking internal care, external care like using SPF is a key.

Junk food and bad eating habits

Yes, junk or too much oily food may affect the health of your skin too. It can also cause acne or other skin related problems. Opt for fresh vegetables and fruits for glowing and healthy skin. Drink a lot of water too.


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