Home Lifestyle How your food may help you naturally reduce stress and anxiety

How your food may help you naturally reduce stress and anxiety


Stress and anxiety are more frequent than ever in the modern world. Experts agree that having a balanced diet might aid in several ways, despite the fact that there are numerous asanas, exercises, and drugs available to control the same. “The body is asking you to slow down, take your time, and lower the strain when it feels worried or nervous. The body’s regular reflexes and levels of focus are affected if this pressure is not addressed, according to dietician Ishti Saluja.

According to her, it is common for someone with chronic conditions to be unable to perform even basic tasks like taking a shower, preparing food, working at a desk or studying, or having a meaningful conversation with others. She said, “This severely interrupts their

While there are countless causes of stress, the expert said to indianexpress.com that when the cause is recognised (such as a loved one’s death, a divorce, or health problems), answers and treatments are simpler. “However, if the causes are unclear (some of us worry without cause, and that anxiety builds), it’s crucial to maintain the body calm and consume wholesome foods while you try to identify the source of this additional strain. A balanced diet that contains good fats, fiber, protein, and carbs become especially important at such periods, she explained.

She stated that all hormones are created from protein and fat while discussing the function of lipids. Therefore, when the body is deficient in fat, it frequently results in hormonal abnormalities and frequently causes worry. Make sure you consume enough ghee, avocado, cheese, walnuts, and salmon, which are examples of good fats. To reap the advantages of olive oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil, switch out your cooking oils every few months.


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