Diabetes is regarded to be one of the health problems that demands the most discipline in terms of diet and lifestyle, as it may seriously affect the body, particularly the heart.
Diabetes, in most cases, necessitates lifelong therapy to keep blood glucose levels within the normal range. Sugar is the source of energy for our body cells and is stored as glycogen in the liver. A human body with diabetes is unable to generate enough insulin hormones, or if it can, it may not use the hormone effectively. Insulin is a hormone that helps our bodies to convert glucose into energy. High blood sugar levels might result from the body’s inability to properly metabolise glucose.
Diabetes has several negative health effects, according to Dr. Sanjay Gogia, director of internal medicine at Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh. These include elevated cholesterol, an increased risk of heart attack, and stroke.
“According to data from the American Heart Association, 65 percent of persons with diabetes die as a result of heart disease or stroke. Diabetic individuals have a risk of getting cardiovascular disease that is more than double that of non-diabetic people. “Sugar may linger in diabetics’ bloodstreams and seep out of the liver into their blood, causing damage to the arteries, causing them to stiffen and harden,” he adds.
So, what are some of the lifestyle adjustments that diabetics should make?
According to the doctor, the greatest approach to avoid or reduce the risk of heart disease is to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
* Diabetes needs constant monitoring and medical attention. It is critical to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
* Because diabetes frequently results in hypertension, regular monitoring is required to keep track of blood pressure levels and regulate blood pressure. Diabetes patients must keep their blood pressure below 130/80.
* Cholesterol levels must be maintained under the supervision of a specialised practitioner.