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Keep an eye out for these small behaviours and lifestyle adjustments that might help you avoid developing arthritis


Arthritis is characterised by joint inflammation that affects one or more joints, resulting in joint pain, stiffness, and edoema. While there are a variety of drugs, rehabilitation, and physiotherapy methods for treating arthritis sufferers, the disease can be improved by being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and engaging in yoga and joint relaxation.

Winters are especially difficult for persons with arthritis, and women are more prone to joint discomfort than males during this time of year. Because arthritis is a severe illness that limits your range of motion and impacts your functioning life, if left untreated, it may completely prevent you from moving.

“Regardless of the type of arthritis, one may experience fever, lymph node swelling, weight loss, tiredness, inability to use your hand, difficulty walking, and poor sleep,” says Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Consultant Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital in New Delhi. Joint pain, stiffness and swelling in joints, decreased range of motion, redness of the skin surrounding the joint, unexplained joint pain frequently accompanied by fever, trouble carrying out daily duties owing to joint discomfort, while pain relievers cannot heal joint aches.”

Even if arthritis isn’t on your mind right now, it’s critical to pay attention to the tiny habits you have that might lead to problems down the future. Don’t wait; connect now as soon as you detect any of the above-mentioned symptoms and consult an orthopaedic specialist right away. Dr. Biren revealed a list of persons who are at risk of getting arthritis, saying:

  1. Overweight and obese people are more prone to get arthritis. The more weight you gain, the greater the load you place on your hips, back, and feet.
  2. Overprocessed meals, such as sugar and white flour, can contribute to weight gain, which is difficult for aching joints. Fruits, nuts, and whole grains can be substituted.
  3. “Smartphone thumb” is caused by often texting and holding your phone in the same posture. Texting puts a strain on your hands’ joints, particularly your thumbs. Minimize thumb texting or use the voice option to keep texting hands-free if you want to keep arthritis at bay. Texting may also be harmful to your shoulders and neck.
  4. Constantly wearing high heels puts your feet in an uncomfortable posture, putting strain on joints, muscles, and perhaps throwing your back out of alignment. Women who wear heels on a regular basis should be aware that this behaviour may raise their risk of osteoarthritis and foot discomfort.


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