Home Lifestyle Things you need to know about postpartum depression

Things you need to know about postpartum depression

postpartum depression

What is postpartum depression?

As a new mom several emotions might jumble up at the same time. You might feel excited, joy and at the same time you might feel fear and sadness. You might face a lot of challenges, new responsibilities after the arrival of the newborn baby. 

It is the type of depression that you might feel after having a baby. Experiencing postpartum depression or baby blues is very common among new moms and you might get triggered with mixed emotions at the same time. 

Symptoms of postpartum depression

The symptoms of postpartum depression vary from person to person. These are few indicators that you might be facing the depression;

  1. If you are exhausted and unable to sleep
  2. If you feel sad or you cry too much without a reason
  3. If you sleep too much
  4. If you are not eating properly or eating too much
  5. Having mood swings
  6. If you are getting irritated or anxious too often
  7. If you face difficulty in remembering things
  8. If you feel worthless and just want to escape from everything
  9.  If you are unable to connect with your baby or unable to feel the joy of having a baby
  10. If you have no interest in things that you use to enjoy 

You might develop any of these symptoms starting after a few weeks or after a few months of your delivery. It might happen that symptoms might feel for few days and will return after sometime and if you neglect it, then symptoms might get worsened. 

Ways to overcome the postpartum depression 

  1. Spend some time with yourself

Sometimes you may feel stuck or over burden with work as you spend the entire time looking after your baby.  In such situations, don’t hesitate to ask for help from your family members. Let your partner or any other elder person at your home handle the baby for a few hours. 

Postpartum Depression

In this way dedicate some ‘me’ time. Utilize this time, do what you like. You can go for a walk, watch a movie, pamper yourself, read some books, tap nap or practice some meditation and there is so much more you can do.  

2. Exercise

Step out of your house and breathe fresh air. You can even take your baby in a stroller to feel freshness and will uplift your mood. Regular walking or exercise will help you to uplifts self-confidence and will lower down the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

You can even practice any form of exercise that you like. It will help to increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. If you are someone who is not regular with physical activities then try doing simple activities like walking, stair climbing, dancing or yoga.  

3. Eat healthy food

Inculcate the habit of eating healthy food, it will make you feel better and will provide required nutrients to your body. Eating healthy food can reduce stress levels and may act as a mood enhancer. 

Unhealthy eating patterns can increase stress levels and potentially increase the risk of major health problems in future if you don’t address them on time. 

4. Take proper sleep 

In the early days, your baby might not sleep throughout the night and you might find it difficult to sleep when the baby is awake. This way your sleep is getting hampered which might build up to stress and mood swings. 

Try to take sound sleep of at least 8 hours. If required, then fill the milk in a bottle and ask to partner to feed your baby at night. If this is not possible then try to sleep when your baby sleeps. 

5. Medication

Take the help of your doctor or consult a psychologist or to a therapist. They will help you better to overcome the depression. Have a deep discussion with them; just make sure you have communicated all your worries and emotions. Your doctor might prescribe you with antidepressants which will to balance certain brain chemicals linked with depression.

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