Home Lifestyle Menstrual health: Five symptoms that might raise concern during your cycle

Menstrual health: Five symptoms that might raise concern during your cycle


It is always advisable to pay attention to the indications and symptoms that the body uses to warn us when anything is amiss.

Dr. Dhivya R, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Kauvery Hospital Electronic City (Bengaluru), advises knowing how your body typically works when it comes to menstruation health.

“What you might not be familiar with are recent flare-ups and the impending effects of particular medical disorders. They turn out to be a few “period red flags” that you should go to your OB-GYN about right away, she advises.

  1. Menstrual cramps

“Some people are fortunate to just have minor cramps that seldom cause them to lose speed. It often lasts for around 5 days. If your cramps are so severe that they interfere with your everyday activities, there may be a problem. You may have disorders like fibroid, adenomyosis, or endometriosis, which require medical treatment, if the discomfort persists despite the use of medicines, the expert warns.

  1. The color and consistency 

Your health may be learned a lot from the colour of your period. According to Dr. Dhivya, cranberry red is the optimum colour.

“If it is darker, has thicker, more clotty qualities, or has an excessive number of clots, you should be on the lookout for uterine fibroids or a hormone imbalance. Do not be alarmed; while most are harmless, they can be uncomfortable. On the other side, if the colour is watery and pinkish, you may be undernourished or at risk for PCOS. It is best to visit your doctor.

  1. Periodic flow

The typical flow during a period is between 60 and 80 ml; if a woman has heavy flow (defined as any flow that is greater than 80 ml, lasts longer than seven days, or both), and if it is regular, it can lead to anaemia and reproductive problems.

  1. The regularity of menstruation

Average cycles range between 21 and 35 days; irregular periods beyond the age of ten can be caused by polycystic ovaries, drastic weight loss, pregnancy, or medication usage. Light spotting between periods is a side effect of birth control medications. According to the doctor, spotting without taking pills, bleeding after sex, or bleeding between periods require assessment since they might be signs of cancer or a pre-cancer, an infection, or a hormonal imbalance.

  1. Absence of menstruation

“Missing periods are typically interpreted as a sign of pregnancy. However, it is not the only one. Periods can occasionally be stopped by stress, PCOS, physical exercise, rapid weight reduction or increase, and certain contraceptive drugs.


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