“Ja Kanhi Oar Tuu”: A Musical Short Film Set to Captivate Audiences Releasing on...

The anticipation for a groundbreaking musical experience reaches its zenith as the trailer for "Jaa Kanhi Oar Tuu" is released, teasing audiences with a...

Delbar Arya opens up about her role in Damdaa, “Japji is very caring, innocent,...

Delbar Arya, the versatile actress known for her captivating performances, is gearing up to grace the silver screen in a new Punjabi movie titled...

Alankrita Sahai makes a smashing debut in Haryana entertainment space, all set to sizzle...

Alankrita Sahai is a bonafide rage and sensation in quite literally everything that she does from her end. She's known to give it her...

Do you want more respect from those around you?

Remember, respect is earned, not commanded. You have to work for it, it’s not going to fall in your lap. Here are some traits...

Adopt the Japanese philosophy of “ikigai” and see the change in your life.

Life has become challenging at some point in time, we feel overwhelmed by the pressure. To best the stress, try ikigai- the philosophy that...

Prime Video’s Poacher is a true crime drama that has the attention of the...

Created and written by Richie Mehta, this is the true story of events based on ivory poaching. Poaching is based on true events that unfolded...

Get ready to be stunned! Daroga Happu Singh’s daughter, Malaika, becomes an ACP!

&TV's Happu Ki Ultan Paltan is famous for its amusing and entertaining storylines that make viewers laugh. The characters often find themselves in comical...

Radhika Merchant’s repeats the lehenga she wore as a bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding.

Radhika Merchant, the beautiful bride, made a case for sustainability by repeating the lehenga, she had worn as for Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’...

Karan Johar’s Love Storiyan featuring on Amazon Prime, 6th episode banned in 5 countries.

Karan Johar has put together a set of stories that are true love stories titled ‘Love Storiyaan.’ They are real life events, dedicated to...

Article 370 banned in all Gulf counters, a blow for the Bollywood industry!

The movie Article 370 has been garnering huge success at the box-office. It’s a damper to know the movie has been banned in the...