Home Lifestyle Richard Branson’s opinion on living a happy, successful life boil down to...

Richard Branson’s opinion on living a happy, successful life boil down to a few simple things.


Sir Richard Branson is a British business magnate and a commercial astronaut. In the 1970’s he founded the Virgin Group, which today controls more than 400 companies in various fields.

Here are few simple pointers that he feels might make your personal and professional life a tad bit better.


There’s a very interesting name for Richard Branson and that’s “Doctor Yes” and that’s simply because he refutes to say the word ‘NO’. His motto is, “Screw it, let’s do it!’ He gives everything a shot. He suggests we must all keep our eyes and ears open, there’s no one right path, keep firing, you just might hit the target-bang on.

  1. Happiness

True success is not measured in terms of wealth but truly by your state of mind, your happiness quotient. He says, “I know I am successful, wealthy and connected because I am happy.” We only get one life, so let’s try and make each day count.


Branson says, “Everything I’ve done in my life has been instinctive.” Being a dyslexic and a high school dropout, he never felt less gifted. He felt if others can do it, why not me? We must all follow our instinct, even if we fall flat on our face, pick up the reins of your life, get-set-go and march ahead.


Richard lays the importance on how we must spend our time wisely. He priorities his health and body. He emphatically believes, “If you find time for your body, and you’re feeling great…it’s funny, your day just expands by another 3 or 4 hours, and you’re so much more productive.”

If you are extremely busy, then hire the right people to get things done but look after yourself, there’s only ONE OF YOU.


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