Home Lifestyle Signs you are becoming a wiser person!

Signs you are becoming a wiser person!


Wisdom comes with age and experience, it doesn’t happen overnight. With each passing day, we grow and the struggles we face, shape us. Here are few reality checks, if that’s how you are evolving, you are surely becoming wiser.

  1. YOU TEND TO THINK OF OTHERS, NOT ONLY YOURSELF- Research shows that the more you care for common good and other people, the wiser you become. If you can put aside your needs, and put others before yourself, you are growing as a person.
  2. YOU ARE MUCH BETTER AT DEALING WITH CHANGE- To be able to adapt well and be happy in any situation, is a sure sign of maturity. As the saying goes, you live, you learn. Those who realise that life is uncertain, sudden changes crop up and deal with it openly, are on the path of wisdom.
  3. YOU HAVE COPED UP WELL WITH YOUR STRUGGLES- Struggles and defeats are the times, we learn most. A happy life teaches us nothing, its only the struggles and the defeat and how well we cope up with difficulty, there in lies the learning. If life has knocked you down a couple of times and you have stood back on your feet with a positive outlook, you are on the right track.
  4. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR PURPOSE IN LIFE- We are often looking for more in outside places. We feel more money, more status, a big financial jump would make us happy but the fact of the matter is, happiness is within you, not outside. Put your time and energy in good relationships and be kind to all.

To be wise means, to have great emotional intelligence and empathize with others. Introspect and absorb your life lessons.


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